Friday, May 02, 2008

Big Kids

Ring around the Rosy 1
While in Virginia, I also got to hang out with my other Madeira friend, Jen and her posse. Jen and Reid were bridesmaids at my wedding and between the 3 of us we have 6 kids - a hoard. We had a fabulous girls night out while Reid's husband tackled Addie, Sawyer and Arden on his own. I think that deserves Sainthood.
Play Ball!
Stack O' Kids
Addie was super duper into hanging out with Jen's older kids Wyatt (6) and Charlotte (4). They were also both gracious entertaining her and she was overwhelmed with delight. They taught Addie how to play Ring around the Rosy and fall down on purpose. You mean you want me to fling myself to the floor deliberately? They played with the ball, chased each other on the back deck at the Armstrong's house, and made a giant Kid Sandwich.
OCD Cleaning
Addie also met her OCD kindred spirit in Charlotte. The two of them went through a small fortune in baby wipes cleaning the seats, walls and windows of the Metro. Wipes are one of Addie's favorite toys, and I think she purposely draws with crayons on the coffee table just so she can wipe it off. This does work rather well when we use the back door as a chalk drawing palette. Chalk On. Wipe Off. Chalk On. Wipe Off.

I loved hanging out with all the kiddos. I actually find it energizing so long as naps are in the agenda at some point. Sometimes I think it would be great to have a giant family. Then again I think maybe I'll just spend more time with other people's children on occasion.


Reid said...

Ever since you left, Sawyer has been wandering around the house calling out 'Addie, Addie'. Okay, not really but he did manage to empty an entire container of wipes on the living room floor, perhaps inspired by Charlotte and Addie. Now he just needs to learn how to put those wipes to good use. I love the all fall down picture.

auntie snorg said...

These pictures make me so happy, and envious. What a wonderful weekend. Addie is in the big kids club now!