Wednesday, August 20, 2008

so much for nostalgia


Have you had a push-up pop recently? Well, I don't think you need to 
chase the ice-cream truck down the street for one.  Tastes like chewable, 
orange flavored aspirin shoved into a toilet paper tube. Give me tart 
frozen yogurt any day (and recently it pretty much has been).


Anonymous said...

I had a fudgesicle (sp?) not long ago in a similar bout of nostalgia. Some things are better left in the past. Or our tastebuds adjust to creme brule and flourless cake with raspberry puree or the subtle joys of really good vanilla ice cream. Thank goodness!

auntie snorg said...

i used to LOVE the flinstones push pops. But i think i'm going to agree with you and just have a fond rememberance of them, than retry them.