Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not quite a county fair but close enough


Someone mentioned funnel cake last week and since then I've had a hankering for an old fashioned county fair.

Hello Santa Monica Farmers Market.

I almost had to take a valium to deal with the crowds, but Addie had an awesome time. I had been getting kinda wonky in crowds last weekend. We hung out on the lawn at LACMA on Friday night with hundreds of other families and a big squadron of kids from daycare. I sort of went into turtle mode and by the time Cap arrived I was ready to run home in a half panic. I realized that wasn't fair to him or Addie so I managed to hold it together until the sunset when it Time To Go Home NOW.

The farmers market definitely had more people clad in designer footwear (children included) than your average county fair, but we did have a picnic of omelets and strawberry crepes, listened to a band and Addie got an orange balloon butterfly. She also rode on her first pony. No matter what you may think of pony rides, I was so proud of Addie for riding Blondie all by herself while we waved from outside the ring. I'm already getting excited for pumpkin patch season. I think the influx of costume catalogs months in advance may also have started me on it.


auntie snorg said...

Good for addie and her first pony ride! (Blondie!!!) She's taking after her auntie in the equestrian ring!

sister - if you are watching the Open, I'll be there Sunday Day and Monday Night. Maybe you'll see dear old sister somewhere in the crowds... Or getting arrested for getting "too close" to the players! HA!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Pony girl!! A Dale Evans pose if I ever saw one - Happy trails Addie.

I remember you Sarah at the Dutchess County Fair and you always loved the experience especially the ferris wheel. It is state fair time in Michigan, wish I could take Addie to see the animals.

Doesn't San Bernadino have a good fair?