Friday, July 31, 2009

34 Week Ultrasound

I thought I was getting good at deciphering the ultrasound images, but I admit I was stumped this time. I didn't have an ultrasound so far along when I was pregnant with Addie. I was used to seeing the whole baby in the grainy image but this time we could only see parts. I recognized the spine and her girl parts, which the technician referred to as Ms. Pac Man. Yes, that is what he said.

When it came to seeing her face though I just couldn't tell what I was looking at. The technician could tell. Cap could tell. I was trying not to panic. Finally somehow all the white and black blobs reassembled enough that I could finally decipher her cute rosebud lips peaking out from behind her arms which she had covering the rest of her face. Maybe this will help in case you need a little assistance too.

All is good in utero. Baby is 5 1/2 pounds, head down (facing the exit as the ultrasound technician said) and the placenta is in the right place. My due date is 9-6, labor day weekend, but when I asked my doctor if he could estimate when he thought the baby would be born he said that, if he was a gambling man, he'd put his money on September 11. Oh great. 9-11. The one day I was hoping to avoid. What about 09-09-09? or heck, early?


jamie said...

Eep! Can't wait to meet her!

Dr. P told me he was certain CJ would be late. She showed up 11 days early. We showed him. :)

(And my dad's birthday is September 11, so in my head I still keep it a pretty happy day!)

matthew said...

I'd put my money on the 4th of September -- full moon. Congratulations, and glad to hear you are doing well!

Gran said...

I am so glad you had the interpretation. Nada. Totally mystified!

Reid said...

I can't see it... even with help. I'm betting on labor day or earlier. Low as you carry that baby, you don't look like you'll make it a day past August 28.

Unknown said...

09-09-09 will work. That is the greatest day in the world. ;) Why you ask? It is a very special day for me, if that is a enough of a hint