Wednesday, May 12, 2010

8 months





Eliza is scrappy!

She's so scrappy, that her new nickname is Scrappy. I mean Cunning Cobra. She will be innocently gnawing on a squeaky giraffe or snuggled on my hip, secretly biding her time, and then . . . Hiiiyah! She lunges arms out, mouth open, catching her prey in her fists of steel. I've been locked in death grips when she gets my hair in both hands and poor Addie continues to loose her locks by the fistful. Now that Eliza is crawling at lightening speed and has four teeth, I fear for my life.


Happy 8 month birthday my little scrappy cobra.

* I promise no babies were harmed in the course of this photo-op.


Gran said...

Scrappy is good! It's a trait that can be managed but not created. Of course, lookingn forward...Scrappy vs. Princess A. Poor parents!

Happy 8 months, Eliza!

Pop-Pop said...

Wrestlemania stars eh!