Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day


I got to sleep in (until 7:20).
Cap made waffles with raspberries.
Addie made me a lovely card.
Cap gave me Martha Stewart's new sewing book.
Eliza took the longest nap ever.
We drank mimosas and ate brunch with fellow Moms Grandma Vede and Aunt Karen.
I wished Gran and Nana a happy mother's day on the phone.
Addie went to bed early (which is really on time but since that never happens . . .)
Cap and I drank champagne and watched Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Rather a lovely day.

Except the part where I accidentally pushed Addie off the slide instead of down it. After that I really didn't deserve a mother's day. "You did it!" she said. Terrible Mommy. So so sorry! She recovered with a small red spot on her cheek, and I was left with a guilty smear on my conscience.

Happy Mother's Day!



mit said...

Don't feel guilty Sarah. It was fate, and bare legs that made friction on the slide.

GranJanne said...

Lovely mothers and lovely daughters. Happy Mothers' Day! And Happy Birthday Cap from May 6!

auntie snorg said...

Poor guilty smear, but kiddos are like gumby, they have an amazing ability to bounce back from anything! Just think of me: Klutz with a capital K! Happy Mother's Day super sister!

Reid said...

I love Eliza's dress.

Gran said...

Is Eliza STANDING??? Gosh. She just started crawling!

The dresses are adorable, and such cute models!

Slides happen. Your first try on one of those metal horses on springs in parks - I rocked you too hard and you whacked your mouth on the horse's head. Big owie; big guilt.