Thursday, June 24, 2010

First Tomato


Lookie a tomato! Addie has clearly stated in the past that she does not like tomatoes but may like them when she is a grown-up. Nonetheless, she has been an excellent tomato grower watering the plants, so she got to pick the first one tonight(and pretend she wants to eat it, which she doesn't).

I'm going to let is ripen a tiny bit more on our windowsill and then it's mine all mine! I just need some buffalo mozzarella and a sprig of basil from the garden and I'm in heaven.


The very same tomato 3 weeks ago

I let the cilantro go to seed but the white flowers were so pretty. The whole plant shot up about 3 feet with a spray of these tiny flowers.

1 comment:

Gran said...

Right on with the salad option; simple and completely satisfying. Nothing says summer like...