Tuesday, June 22, 2010

School Pictures

You've probably already seen these on facebook, but . . .

Adelaide School Pic.jpg
Eliza School Picture.jpg

I was so bummed when I learned that we were going to be out of town for the girls' school picture day back in March. Thankfully, they had a make-up day because how cute are these with the old-school blue background! And Addie's face isn't hidden behind her hair. They still missed the awesome class shot which looked exactly how it was way back in the early 80s for my own school photos complete with that black board with your teacher's name written with the letters you slide on. I bet that contraptions has a name.

We'll be shipping the photos off to the grandparents soon!

1 comment:

Gran said...

Grandparents are very excited! Wonderful photos, wonderful girls, wonderful parents!