Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Little Bo Peep


Eliza is outgrowing her 3-6 months clothes, I'm shoving her into dresses that she hasn't worn. We were given so many 3-6 month dresses for Addie and some she never wore and somehow neither has Eliza, which is a shame. Addie now, however, only wears dresses which at least is easy and frees up more room in the dresser for Eliza's clothes.

Dresses on babies just aren't practical until they can walk. Poor Eliza has to crawl with her bum directed skyward looking like some sort of floral-attired crab. I tried to take a pastoral photo of her in the backyard in her Little Bo Peep ensemble, but she wasn't interested in giving me a big smile, instead concentrating on beheading the clover.



Pop-Pop said...

She is an adorable Bo-Peep, these pics are precious of "smiley rice face" as we like to call her.

Gran said...

She is so precious, and has peep-toes herself!