Monday, November 27, 2006

6 month stats

This morning we found ourselves back in the doctor's office bolstering ourselves against another round of immunizations. Didn't we just do this? Sorry Moms, but this is one of those things that definitely does not get easier with time; just the opposite. We have a new pediatrician since commuting to Santa Monica during rush hour was becoming a joke. Let's face it. We don't live on the West Side anymore so let's just get a grip on this. We liked our other pediatrician but Dr. G. is groovy too. He likes to chat a lot more and ask questions like, "Is there any part of your daughter's body that concerns you?" We also got a lesson on how to identify a ruptured appendix. Did you know that if the pain is on the lower right abdomen right above the hip that it's probably not indigestion and could signal the need for an emergency appendectomy? Maybe everyone else already knows this which reminds me that I really should take an infant CPR class especially since Addie can grab and eat anything within a split second.

So, here’s the scoop. She went from being smack dab in the middle at birth (50th percentile) to being super tall and slight somewhere in her first few months and is now tiny and tiny. She’s 14 lbs 12.5 oz, (18th percentile) and 25.5 inches (22nd percentile). I guess this makes sense since I’m certainly no giant in the stature department. She really feels giant though. Cap and I can't stop commenting to each other how shocked we are at her size. She seems huge!

She’s finally graduated to the #2 diaper (without a scale at home this has become our general weight benchmark) and is still fitting smartly in her 3-6 month clothes. She has gobs of pretty summer dresses that she hasn’t worn because even in LA it’s still fall and just a wee bit too cold for sleeveless and legless clothes especially during the week when she’s in daycare. On the weekends if it’s sunny and we’re outside I try to rotate her through the more summery outfits. Maybe I could go for a sort of layered grunge look and have her wear long johns under her baby doll dresses.

Here’s a photo of Miss Addie in the morning. Cap likes to take every one of her toys and pile them around her like she’s holding court to an entire entourage of stuffed animals-in-waiting. You’ll probably see a lot of these pajamas too because she has 3 sets of the same kind thanks to a sale at Baby Gap.

1 comment:

Reid said...

We postponed Sawyers 4 month appt. until Mid-december becauseof thanksgiving. I'm very curious to see where he ends up on the charts now. He is already wearing 6-9 month clothes - mostly because the legs on 3-6 months are too short. Just think, I was in the 5th percentile until I was 6 years old.