Saturday, November 11, 2006

She Got Teefs

Where to start? It's been more than a few days since I've had a chance to blog between our first babysitter, photography class and a work trip to San Francisco. I was gone less then 48 hours in SF and Addie has two teeth coming in! You can feel their razor edges and get a peek occasionally when she isn’t sticking out her tongue, which is rare.

Last night was rough though; up every few hours to an hysterical baby who we were only able to sooth by feeding her. We've had this recurring problem with her bottle where she somehow punches in the nipple dousing herself with 4-6 ounces of formula. Poor gal soaked her pjs, the bed, and her swaddling blanket at 3 am. On top of this, she has a cold and Cap had valiantly been suctioning snot out her nose all night long. With all the extra liquid she downed, she also woke up with an overflowing diaper that saturated her second set of pjs and a second set of sheets. She boycotted her morning nap so around noon I took her out in the stroller where she finally slept while I went shopping.

The good news is that I have two new pairs of shoes, and she’s sleeping in her crib these days. I never thought we would have kept her in the bassinet for this long. Before she was born, I had this sleep plan in my head where she’d sleep in our bed for 2 weeks and then we’d move her into the crib. Instead, she never slept in our bed (except a few hours on rare occasions) but instead has been in her bassinet for almost 6 months despite the fact she’s too long for it and her head was poking through the fabric. When I went back to work at 3 months, I was selfish with my sleep and was afraid to disrupt a pattern that seemed to be working. Well, here we are, up again throughout the night suctioning snot.

In other news, we are close to the demise of breastfeeding. Ever since I went back to work it has been downhill. My body has revolted against me, and I have just come to accept that I can’t do both. I can’t work and breastfeed full time. I don’t like it but it’s the way it is. Thank goodness for formula otherwise I’d have to quit my job. Addie doesn’t seem to mind at all and I’m still trying to feed her in the morning and evening even though she still needs a bottle afterwards. I guess a tiny bit is better than nothing. I am, however, enjoying the freedom. I no longer have to sequester myself away in a frigid room at work to pump 3 times a day to only eek out 3 ounces out of the 18 she needs. I can, for instance, drink a liter of cold beer in Malibu at noon on a warm Saturday without feeling guilty.

(the above photo is from our trip to the LA Zoo last weekend with pals Sara F., Jamie, Chria and Munchkin Clara)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay teefs. you should be glad you're not nursing as much - ouch!