Wednesday, November 15, 2006

material girl.6

Back to patterns. You know I love them. And cowboy stuff. So you can imagine I go ga-ga for cowboy prints. You may not know that I'm a fan of English designer Cath Kidston (hint hint. I have my eye on her cowboy mugs for myself). I still haven't made a field trip to her store in Brentwood, but it's on my list. I'd love to see this cowboy fabric on a cozy chair in a nursery, although not Addie's fictional nursery because it doesn't work with the Pink Palace. Cath Kidston also makes a delightful fabric and wallpaper with giraffes and elephants that is sub-continent colonial cute.

1 comment:

Reid said...

i am very familiar with the 'fictional nursery' concept. i'll put the cowboys in mine. but no wall paper please. rpa