Saturday, February 03, 2007

Shower Time

Where oh where shall we bathe our little baby?

Little Miss Addie has been bathed and scrubbed clean in the cozy kitchen sink since day one, or probably day 6 or something. She's however now outgrown the little divided sink where she was looking like we were trying to defrost a 17 pound turkey.

What next? Buy a giant plastic behometh? No room to store it and I'm selfish and don't want my ahem delicate knees to withstand kneeling on hard linoleum. Shower? I don't trust myself to hold a slippery baby and how the heck would I get to wash to my hair? Well, it turns out that there is a third option. Maybe everyone already knew this but it seemed novel to me. Bring the baby into the shower but give her her own seat.

Addie showers sitting down safely in her little seat getting misted and one of us gets to take a shower. Works like a charm. She get's cleaned. I get cleaned. Well, actually Cap does. I tried it once and she cried so I've been too chicken to try it again but she seems to enjoy it with Cap. Bath time used to be part of her nightime routine but now she showers with the rest of workforce in the morning. The only downside I can see is that she doesn't get to splash away in the water, but she and her ducky can pretend they are exploring the rain forest together instead.

. . . and in non-naked baby news, Addie's finally wearing #3 size diapers and has transitioned into her 6-9/12 month clothes. We are still squeezing on a few favorite 3-6 month duds but not for long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the part of the rain forest adventure.