Thursday, May 31, 2007


Here ya have it. Miss Addie is a two-legged, upright homo sapien. Her quadraped past behind her, she has risen to new evolutionary heights leaving her 4-legged Didi cat friend to, well, whatever Didi does which is just sleep and yell. Good-bye dirty kneed pants, hello dresses!

Miss A got to show off her skills at the doctor's office today for her one year check-up. Dr. W. didn't seem blown away by her obvious super baby walking powers. Well, we can't blame him since her super cuteness powers always stun and overwhelm her prey making them unable to process other information. Kablow-a-kazam! Watch out or you too will be pelted with plastic sesame street stacking cups and turned into a brainless, drooling follower of the 21 lbs, 29 3/4 inch tall Super Addie-cake, Ruler of Deedslandia*.

*Deedslandia is the fulltime residence of Didi.


Genevieve said...

fantastic walking. I sense she has a future in this walking business.

Anonymous said...

Quite impressive!! She should be called scooter. We also liked the throwing arm - maybe a softball scholarship to UofA in her future!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I was there for the build-up. She really navigates very well, even with the distraction of the cups!