Sunday, January 20, 2008

all quiet on the western front

The Pity Party is Over. The weekend has come (thank goodness!) and gone. Addie is sleeping in her bed, I've just finished doing some work, the laundry is done, the dishes are not (can't be too perfect here), crayons are in their tin. Addie and I have been entertained by friends and family for the last two days all of whom have taken good care of both of us.

Addie and I also have a new routine. We curl up on the coach together and share a bowl of cereal while watching TV. Sometimes it's her choice - Sesame Street, or mine - Pushing Daisies. She goes into the pantry, brings out the box announcing "cereal, cereal." Then she trots over to the sofa and waits patiently for me to prepare a bowl. Even Didi participates. She too climbs up on the couch and waits to lap up the milk. "Didi's milk, "Addie confirms.

I continue to be completely scatterbrained forgetting my cell phone almost ever time I leave the house, losing my wallet only to find it tucked away in the stroller, diligently refilling Addie's water bottle only to leave it on the counter as we head out the door. I even double paid my therapist. I have a feeling I do these things all the time, but I usually have a Po to remind me. I'm feeling very Blonde but am seriously considering going red. Perhaps it will make me smarter.

It's time to curl up in bed with Didi and my Dorothy Sayers mystery. "Mama's Book" as Addie would say.

Thanks everyone!


Anonymous said...

yay addie and sarah!!!

jannepone said...

I'm very glad that you had a weekend respite. It's so very difficult being alone with a young child - stressful, worrisome.

I really like Add's shirt! When Cap was her age, his hair was about the same color. I so wanted to dress him in black because it was way cool with his coloring. But - alas - baby's clothing wasn't available in black. Not to be outdone, I dyed some of his baby things!

Genevieve said...

at least you paid the therapist. I think it would have been worse to NOT have paid... :-)

Anonymous said...

Good priorities! I love the three-tiered cereal routine. How adorable is that! Definitely a memory to treasure.

As for the forgetfulness, I deeply regret to say there MAY be a genetic cause....

Anonymous said...

Speaking of forgetfulness, which Dorothy Sayers are you reading? Looks like it might be the collected short stories. Good choice!

Sarah Q said...

Gran - I'm reading Busman's Holiday and loving it.