Monday, January 28, 2008

Unclear on the Concept

Addie, the fish go in the potty AFTER you eat them.

We haven't officially started potty training, but thought it was time to at least have the chamber pot around so Addie can get cozy with it at her leisure. Over Christmas she started announcing she need her diaper changed. She'd bring you a clean diaper and the wipes and say, "poo poo."

The other night while I was doing dishes (a rare occurance I assure you), I almost stepped on Miss A who was lying on her back, legs in the air, holding 2 clean diapers. Oh, I see you're ready for a diaper change. I can take a hint. Sometimes.


Chria said...

Ah, finally the topic of the blog becomes title-worthy!

auntie snorg said...

Good Little Miss A!