Monday, January 14, 2008

Monkey See

The zoo just gets more and more fun as Addie gets older. Right now she's all about the monkeys. This photo perfectly captures Addie's face while watching the gibbons hoot and holler. "Monkey! Monkey!", she shouts. Our last trip she burst into tears at their screaming when it reached an ear-piercing crescendo, and I admit that when we visited the zoo when I was pregnant, I once burst into tears at the exact same time. This was a dry-eyed visit, and if I do say so myself, I do a darn good gibbon call. An embarrassed Dad passing by us admitted he thought my imitation was the real deal; "Oh, that was just that lady."

The zoo's gorillas, at home in the newly renovated Gorilla Reserve, clapped along with their admirers and sunbathed on a grassy plain. A stampeding Big Daddy gorilla made me grab on to Cap's arm in complete fear when he rounded the corner. One of those beasts could rip me apart like a bag of doritos.

My favorite though is the fuzzy headed orangutan baby. Those eyes! That hair!


Anonymous said...

Sarah, can you record your monkey howl for the blog?

auntie snorg said...

I so want to hear the Gibbon Call! I'm laughing hysterically just imagining it! Addie makes a pretty good monkey admirer face!

Bigtooth said...

There's a great gorilla space at the Columbus Zoo; if you visit in summer, you should go see it. One of the older males likes to run at full tilt past the glass, and then slap it, HARD, making all the people pressed up against it jump back and shriek.