Wednesday, October 01, 2008

the economy fairy

Remember the pink octopus of 2006?

and the itsy-bitsy spider from 2007? seriously. too cute.

For the past two years, we've had an unplanned, eight-legged theme.
Addie hasn't quite grasped the concept of halloween and costumes,
but this year I feel like she'll have an opinion about what she wears,
and should I select incorrectly, we'll have a 2 year old dressed
as herself. Maybe we'll call it the Terrible Twos. Cap suggested
we dress her as a dumpster baby, but we later decided she had
to be an infant for that to work.

I asked Addie this weekend what she wanted to be, and she replied "purple."
Later in the day, after I told her that Teddy was going to be a penguin and Clyde a frog,
she said "dragon. red dragon."

While she was napping on Sunday, I decided to start the hunt for dragon costumes.
"Oh, this looks like a dragon!"
"Oh, no it says it a dinosaur."
What the heck is the difference anyway?
Per Cap, dragons always have wings.

I found a green dragon costume at Pottery Barn. For $70. Um no.
The search continues.
I was having trouble navigating one of those enormous on-line stores and ended up
looking through all 376 matches for "toddler costume." No red dragons so far,
but I did find a costume called "Toddler Economy Fairy Costume".
I think our fine nation might need a few of those!
Some other noteworthy choices for toddlers include the Barbie bride (seems wrong to me),
UPS guy, and the Cute as Can Be Rapper costume. The description read,
"Yo! Hook your toddler up with this fly rapper costume."


auntie snorg said...

OH MY GOD. I'm hysterical. Poor sister in her search to fulfill her child's dreams. Thank goodness Cap was there to answer that age old question! I most certainly wouldnt have known the difference.

Maybe you could take a dinosaur costume and sew on the economy fairy wings!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those babystyle costumes!

Anonymous said...

Let the nationwide search begin! Red Dragon it is. Chinatown shops?Rummage sales anyone?

Genevieve said...

could you make a red dragon costume? let me think about this... there must be a way. have you got a sewing machine?

Anonymous said...

If she doesn't mind being green, there is

AND it is $20.94 in a T2!

AND it has wings!

Anonymous said...

Good going..! The itsy-bitsy spider costume was fabulous. Want to get the same Halloween costume for my son.