Monday, October 20, 2008

Safety First


Story Number One
I was telling Addie the story of the Three Little Pigs, a bedroom ritual that,
as I've mentioned, is usually Cap's domain. Since he's out of town,
I'm left to stumble my way through on my own. Somehow our nighttime
ritual now includes 4 books (read), 2 stories (told) and anywhere from
1-3 songs (sung of course). Addie is very familiar with the Three Little Pigs
and the Three Little Bears but Cap may tell the story slightly differently.
When my wolf blows down the house made of straw, the little piggy runs
down the street to the house made out of sticks. At that point in the story,
Addie stopped me. "No, Mama. little piggy don't run in the street. too many cars.
stop. mama and dada. (something I couldn't quite catch) . . . no crying."
Ah yes, so true Miss Safety Patrol Addie! Running into the street is not a good idea.
Now my piggy has to run down the sidewalk instead.

Story Number Two
Addie and Roman, who is maybe 6 months her younger, were playing out
front of daycare last week. Little Roman started to walk down the driveway
heading straight for the street. His mom was right there and the kid was walking
slow as molasses so there was no imminent danger, but Addie threw her arms
around his waist crying, "No Roman! Don't go into the street!"

Maybe we can get her a reflective vest and a stop sign paddle,
and she can be crossing guard for Halloween.

And since the poll is over, the winner was Red Dragon with 47% of the votes.
We found a green dragon/dinosaur costume (final classification will depend
on Addie's mood) on-line. Fingers crossed she'll wear it or maybe
I should get out the reflective tape.

(p.s. we miss you Dada!)


auntie snorg said...

Was elmo ever a safety patrol officer on sesame street?! Lord knows all kids will do anything elmo has done... I love how safety oriented she is. Good Miss A taking care of everyone else.

That's quite the night ritual. Maybe this will get you back in good nighttime graces!

Anonymous said...

Like mother, like daughter. In Tokyo, Addie's mother insisted on hearing the story of Androcales and the Lion told ad infinitum every night or it seemed to dada. Miss Sarah had seen a children's play of the story which now escapes me completely, maybe after so many tellings my brain wore out.I am sure the story changed every night just to keep it interesting and of course Miss Sarah would correct me if I veered too much from the version she knew!!! What goes around comes around, welcome to parenthood

Anonymous said...

I think Addie is being very reasonable. Dada is not there, and she is making the most of Mama bed time - with emphasis on most! So many books and stories and songs! Mama will certainly be ready for bed after so much creativity.

Pop-Pop also reminds me of Ptommy the Pterrible Pteradactyl, which was night-time fodder for quite some time as well. Obviously we were all enriched by excellent children's theater in Tokyo!

auntie snorg said...

Auntie snorg had the delight of getting to have coffee with Dada yesterday after a meeting he had here at FN. Now... if i can just set up a coffee meeting with snorg and Miss A....

Anonymous said...

I do second a comment of Sarah's at Thanksgiving last year. I do so wish we could all be physically closer to each other. Our times together are like paint splatters linked by love. Ah, well. Put that in as Dream #1.

Anonymous said...

I resemble Gran's remark, talk about Miss A's scattered not scatter-brained family, Tucson, Fairbanks, NYC, Detroit, Chicago/Houston. Miss A will rack up miles visiting so maybe the pic should be her piloting a plane.