Monday, July 06, 2009

First Day of School


Okay so maybe I cried a little.

When we got to her classroom, we dropped off her lunch box and her stuff in her cubby (I love that she has a cubby!). She ran in, grabbed a book and plunked down on the carpet with the other kids. Wow that was easy. Only we hadn't really said goodbye, and I didn't want to sneak out which would have felt like some sort of betrayal. When she realized that Cap and I weren't going to hang out, she cried. Then I cried. And then Cap had to take us both outside where I stayed, and they went back in to say one last farewell.

When I went to pick her up at 5:15, she was happily playing near the swings with another little girl who she claimed couldn't talk. Her main teacher doesn't stay until this late so I didn't get a chance to ask how thing went, but Addie wanted to stay and hang out. I had to beg her to come home with me. Guess she likes it!


Janice said...

Reading that, I cried too. I guess you'll know when you take her in today. Good Addie, good Sarah, good Cap!

Pop-Pop said...

So cute with her back pack! I cried too, not the last time of many transitions she and you will face. I remember taking you Sarah to Montesori and you were just like Addie, fit right in after the first good bye. You'll even get to sit on the floor with her at your first parental open house.

michelle said...

Love the backpack with her nametag.

I'd totally cry too. Such a big milestone.

Gran said...

You all made it through with flying colors! And nothing wrong with tears; they mark all the important transitions of our lives.