Friday, October 21, 2011

Watts Towers


As I start to panic about my maternity leave ending in a few weeks, I am determined to get out of the house more often leaving behind unwatched episodes of 30 Rock Season 3 and Twin Peaks Season 2.

Wednesday while the girls were in school, we toured the exhibit Beauty Culture at the Annenberg Space for Photography. It made me rethink the vain desire for a tummy tuck, a solution my doctor suggested as the only way I was ever going to get rid of the pulled taffy gut I have. I should rebel against society's vision of beauty and walk around looking 4 months pregnant. When I get asked over the next dozen pre-menopausal years "When are you due?", I will answer, "Yes, a boy in July 2011." Don't worry though. I have neither the cash nor the desire to get chopped up right now.

Yesterday, it was an excursion off the 105 to see Watts Towers, something I've wanted to check out since moving to LA but hadn't ever gotten around to it. It's sort of a one-time, I can check that off my list sort of trip. Today, perhaps some retail therapy and a movie is on the agenda if Xavier cooperates.

The towers tiled in found ceramic objects and broken 7-Up bottles.

And for perspective, here they are plunked down in this residential neighborhood surrounded by a giant fence.

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