Thursday, October 06, 2011

I Ate My Tooth


Addie lost her first tooth yesterday at school. She swallowed it. But don't ask her about it as she's a little sensitive on the subject.

Her tooth became loose over 2 months ago. So long ago in fact, that we were still a family of four. I was panicked her tooth would fall out while we were in the hospital and that I'd miss this important moment. I remember googling "how long does it take for a tooth to fall out." Apparently, it varies. I immediately ordered this cute pillow from Etsy so I'd be prepared. What I didn't do was manage her expectations for what the tooth fairy would bring. The going rate, at least around here, is $5 for the first tooth and $1 for all subsequent teeth. Plus, some kids get a bonus present with the first tooth. This is what I neglected to plan for or mitigate. Cap went to Walgreens at 10 pm last night to find a special surprise.

Addie wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy and, while there wasn't a tooth to collect in exchange, she woke up with Pokemon cards and $5 under her pillow. She's proud of her new smile which came just in time for school pictures today!

"My tooth fell out today during school. I want a surprise. Thank you. Love, Addie"

Her Tooth Fairy pillow

Art_0007 loose tooth 01-2011.jpg
A sun with a loose tooth.


Gran said...

I love the gap-toothed smile! and the tooth fairy pillow is adorable. Perhaps the tooth fairy lends the teeth she collects to make special castle nests for the birds?

Addie is getting really good at indicating motion in her drawings. The sun's tooth is definitely wiggling!

mit said...

Pity the poor parents of the future who will have to stuff a Maserati under the pillow.

A missing tooth sure looks good on Addie. Too bad she'll get a new one.

dental implants chandler said...
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Williams Schermer said...

That cute little pillow will definitely come in handy for tooth fairies. How much is that? Well, although Addie swallowed her tooth and she wasn't able to give it directly to the tooth fairy, the event marks a special time in her life. It's a milestone that shows she is growing up to be a fine, young lady. By the way, what did she do with her $5?