Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Months


I have had "3 month blog post" on my calendar to do list with a note to write and post it today. Guess what. His 3 month birthday was yesterday. How have I already forgotten my son's birth date? It's the 26th, not the 27th. Maybe I get the 7 from July. Who knows. I hope I haven't been filling it our incorrectly on any forms.

So, Xavier turned 3 months yesterday. He has found his voice, cooing to everyone who says hello. "He's talking!" Eliza will say.

He enjoys smiling and looking cute, chirping, sucking on and/or staring at his hands and scratching off his scalp with his razor nails. His poor skin is also so sensitive and dry he feels like a squishy, toy lizard. Still, he's quite adorable. He also rolled over, so far only once, when I put him on his tummy. He scooched his bum up and then gravity took over.

Happy 3 Months, X-man. I can hear you squeaking from the next room. I better go give you a million kisses.


Gran said...

Some of those million are from Gran! What a difference three months make; he is an X-person and totally adorable.

mit said...

We're lucky we have Xavier.