Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Official Kindergarten Mug Shot

School photo ACP.jpg

We got Addie's kindergarten school photos back. Cute!

Slouchy too which makes me want to redo it on the make-up photo day. I feel that's something the photographer should be watching out for. Will I make her redo it? Probably not. Her teacher also gave us a progress report. She got check marks in the following areas and her teacher wrote in that Addie "is very creative."

- works well independently (thank you Montessori school!)
- is an outstanding student (she must get that from her dad)
- tries to do his/her best work (again, thanks to Cap)
- listens and follows directions well (obedient like her mom)

She had no areas that needs improvement according to the report, which is fabulous of course but I'm wondering if maybe she could be a little more challenged. Every Monday she comes home with her classwork from the previous week, her graded homework she turned in on Friday and a new packet of work due at the end of the week. Addie enjoys doing her homework but it is a breeze for her right now. They spent a week counting from 1-4 and this week it is 6-10. Really? Addie (okay, I suggested it) asked her teacher for harder homework last week but we haven't seen anything come home yet. Maybe we should just let her enjoy her beginning of kindergarten coasting period. She has a very long day spending almost 10 hours at school - longer than I'm at work. Just writing that makes my heart heavy.

She loves any assignment that involves coloring or drawing and can spend 45 minutes on it. We are still trying to work out the right time for Addie to do her homework. If she doesn't finish it in the after school program, she often isn't able to start it until 7 pm when Eliza goes to bed and a second parent is available to help. Eliza has also demanded that she get homework too so we set her next to Addie, if it's early enough, and Eliza will draw on paper.

Here are some of Addie's drawing and writing assignments. They have one a week that they do in the spiral bound journal. I need to start scanning those in since they are her best work - stay tuned for those!

ACP self portrait-rev.jpg
Self portrait from her first day of school. I need a hat and shoes like that.

I can pick flowers 9-11.jpg

i read books.jpg

girl 9-11.jpg
I found this on the back of one of her worksheets

sea turtle.jpg
A sea turtle making a hole for its eggs

tiger and bear.jpg
I love this one. A tiger and a bear.

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