Friday, September 22, 2006


In anticipation of Addie turning 4 months old on Sunday, we had a very un-celebration: a visit to the pediatrician for her second round of immunizations. She was a total trooper though and now that we are back at home she seems not to have remembered the trauma from earlier today. Good girl!

Addie has officially outgrown her 0-3 months clothes, and it's been fun restocking her wardrobe with the 3-6 months clothes that have been squirreled away in the top of our closet. She is now weighing in at 12 lbs. 2 oz and 24 ¾ in. That puts her at about 70% for height and 30% for weight. Dr. Woo said that was totally fine and she was just migrating closer to where she will land based on genetics. Of course, being the Worry Queen that I am, I’m concerned that she’s not getting enough milk since my supply continues to dwindle. I suppose if she was hungry, she’d let us know.

And speaking of weight, I too take the opportunity to weigh myself at these monthly visits since we don’t own a scale at home. I’m only 3 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight which is great considering I gained 45 pounds (thank goodness that breastfeeding is such a calorie burner). While I may weigh the same as the Old Me, I don’t look the same. I feel like I'm made of wax that has been out in the sun too long and has started to melt. I guess I finally have to retire my favorite maternity jeans. So long elastic waistbands – I’ll miss you!

1 comment:

jannepone said...

Happy four months, sweet Adelaide!