Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i stink at being a (temporary) single mom

How do single moms to it? Cap left for a work trip to NY and Sundance and order left with him.

I get home from work with Addie, change out of my work pants, hang up several other pairs that I find on the chair and then 15 minutes later, as I'm in the kitchen feeding that cat, I notice that I forgot to put on pants. I suppose Addie and the cat don't care if I'm walking around in a button down shirt and my undies but it would explain why I'm cold. I also had to wash our bedding because Didi left us 2 more turds which means that I won't have time to put the sheets back on the bed before Addie's bedtime. 20 minutes after her regular bedtime, poor gal was sitting on my sheetless bed with her milk crying "Books Books" while I desperately soak up what seems like liters of cat urine that I discover on the floor of the laundry room. Poor Didi. Addie calls her "Sick Deet" and tries to feed her fruit leather.

This morning I had to skip the shower for myself and Addie because we were running late. No Elmo, no shower. I put on her shoes and socks in the car because she refused to let me do it in the house. The only way I could get her out at all, while carrying my purse (won't notice I forgot my laptop for another hour) and the diaper bag (thankfully packed with food and diapers), was to let her take my silver locket and a headless turtle. She's so cute about the locket. Cap gave it to me in the hospital when Addie was born and now she loves to say "Mama's locket" demanding that I open it so she can point out "Mama, Dada, Addie."

Lessons learned: Give Addie a bath the night before. Ditto for myself even if it means having wonky hair the next morning. Put a protective sheet on our bed before I leave for work. At a minimum clean up the crayons so she doesn't draw on her stomach (she did that 2 nights ago but both Cap and I were home). Maybe I'll do the dishes, or maybe we'll just eat off paper plates tomorrow. Addie, can you say "discombobulated?"


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Now I feel super extra guilty :-D plus I miss you guys so much...hang in there hons!

Sarah Q said...

It can only get better right? just need a routine. Addie's been asking for you. I told her you got on an airplane to go to work. miss you.

Chria said...

Whenever I'm confronted by a situation like yours, I always think back on the phrase "fake it 'till you make it." It actually works okay, I just pretend to be an organized person and pretty soon I'm doing a half-decent job of it. And half-decent is all it really takes to not feel like you are barely keeping your head above water. Chin up!

Anonymous said...

Poor Sarah! Bless you! I suspect Addie is doing just fine through this, and Chria's suggestion is excellent (I will adopt it too, especially at home where after 8 months I still do not have a completed den or fireplace).

The standards lessen, perhaps, but everyone is clean and housed and fed, and hopefully Mama found some time to herself once Addie tucked in for the night, even if a whiff of cat urine accompanied her nightly stories. You are a super Mama, and I know you will be glad when Super Dada returns to the fold and you are a complete family again.

JB said...

There are times when I just think of all the women who do the single mom thing all the time and I really do not know how it works. The 2 rules in our house are 1 - Do what works for you and Casey and 2 - Do the best you can. What works and my best vary from day to day but the good thing is, he takes it all in stride and I am sure Addie does too. Some days I think "This is why we have no memories before we are 4 years old" Thank God for that. Take care!

Genevieve said...

yikes, this sounds hard! Poor Sarah. Hang in there, Cap will be home!

Reid said...

blame the cat - not yourself.

jamie said...

I'm with Reid. Animal excrement always makes things much, much worse. Spilled milk? Eh. Spilled milk plus cat pee on the carpet, while the dog is harfing up litter box nuggets in your shoe? Time to call in FEMA.

auntie snorg said...

Poor Sister. This is when i realize i need to live near you so i can come over and help out - or at least let you take care of Addie while i clean up Sick Deeds Leftovers.

Anonymous said...

Good Sister Snorg! Beloved Sister Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you are in fact doing well. Perfection is an impossible goal, it only frustrates. As Nkie said "Just do it" and you are doing fine. Now I know why our church hosts a Single Parents Support group facilitated by Nana. I note this is the most responded to blog in the history of TITP. You are not alone!

Bethany said...

omg sarah! though i must say it's how i picture parenthood in general...