Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Betty Crocker

Making Pancakes

I insisted Cap take a photo of me cooking on a recent sunny Saturday morning since it's almost unheard of. I was so inspired by Jamie's delicious cottage cheese pancakes I had to bust out my awesome pink kitchenaid mixer for the task. I even recruited a little pigtailed helper. Cap pointed out after we saw the photo that Addie, hand casually poised in cast-off position, is secretly discarding raisins behind her.

"Oh, but Mama! The raisin must have just slipped from my little porcelain doll hands!"


Anonymous said...

Cute jammies Addie!!! What sun lit morning, we've forgotten what they are like.

auntie snorg said...

What a cute pigtailed helper! Good sister for baking! Like you, it's a rare event in my house. Although i did make a Tangerine and Raspberry crumble recently that was divine.

auntie snorg said...

make that a nectarine and raspberry crumble. Stupid fruits!

Anonymous said...

Addie is simply exercising her veto power: there will be NO raisins in these pancakes! But we don't want to hurt Mama's feelings so we'll just sort of let the things slip out of sight. Then everyone is happy.

Anonymous said...

Addie may be simply cooking: by her definition, cooking is moving food from places where she can't eat it (shelves and counters) to places where she can eat it (seats of chairs).