Sunday, March 09, 2008

Come On Addie!

Come On Addie!
I think this might have been where Addie learned to say, "Come On!" That's Pop Pop in the tiger's hat and Cap on a hike in Sabino Canyon. We decided not to travel with a stroller which meant going for a desert hike was more like a slow stroll stopping every few feet to explore a rock, another rock, some sand, and more rocks. Addie loves her rocks.
hand print
Thanks to frequent readings of Dr. Seuss' Hop on Pop, Addie also knows when Pat is about the sit on a cactus: "No Pat No! Don't Sit on That!" When we get to this page she says "Ouch!" Addie was really good about not grabbing cacti, instead pointing and saying, "No Touching."

Elmo and Pants
After our hike, Addie received a little surprise. Elmo! Michigan Elmo as we call it. But oh, as if Elmo was not enough. Monkey Pants too! Addie sat down on the pavement and immediately tried to put on her pants. When that didn't work, why not make them into a spiffy hat.
Monkey Pants Head
Thanks Pop Pop and Nana!


Anonymous said...

That's right, Addie! Leave no stone unturned! There is a lot to be said for living in the moment.

JB said...

Great pictures! We have started leaving the stroller behind on some occassions too and it has its pros and cons for sure! Casey is learning all kinds of phrases - Come on, Keep moving, this way and then some that involve not so good words when I cursing myslef out for not bringing the stroller :) And I like the new look!

auntie snorg said...

I want a pair of monkey pants! Too Cute!