Wednesday, March 05, 2008

GranJanne Two Dogs

We got back last night from a long weekend in Tucson visiting GranJanne, Pop Pop and celebrating Nana's 60th Birthday. We talked a lot about visiting Cap's Mom whom Addie hasn't seen in almost a year. Whenever we said "GranJanne," Addie would say, "Two Dogs." GranJanne Two Dogs.  Chum and Shug were sweethearts but Addie quickly learned to emphatically point and say, "Away!"  

She decided that ordering others around is quite fun and quickly added another new phrase: "Come on." 

"Come on, Mama. Come on Dada," she'd demand trying to rouse us from our beds to open the door so she could go visit the dogs. 

I've decided to milk our trip over a few blog posts so stay tuned for more pics and tales from the desert. We had such a wonderful time, we didn't want to come back.  Hugs to all.


auntie snorg said...

Dancin' Pone, Dancin' Adds. So cute! I can't wait for part 2!

jannepone said...

It should be a rule of the universe that everyone see Addie dance. She does so with such joy and abandon that it can't help but make everyone laugh! She reminds me very much of her Mama dancing on her wedding day! Can't top that!

I miss you all very much!

Anonymous said...

Addie's a little late for the wedding, but she came to Tucson and danced as soon as she could.

Anonymous said...

What jubilant pictures! Your time with Tucson family sounds fantastic, and was a great refresher for you as well. It is a place of wonderful things and wonderful people. Look forward to the new postings!