Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tennis Sniffers

Tennis sniffers
Cap and I escaped to Palm Springs this weekend leaving Miss A in the care of super duper (great) Aunt Karen. Once a year my tennis fanaticism oozes out and I have to go see the Pacific Life Open Tennis Tournament in Indian Wells, CA. This weekend is also the anniversary of Addie's first ear infection. I remember this because we were in Palm Springs this time last year pretending that having a kid didn't change anything and we could still enjoy 14 hours of tennis a day. Ha! Poor Addie was so sick and we just didn't catch on until we came back to LA and saw the doctor. This year, we left her at home to party with Aunt Karen while we drank Corona and cheered Murray, Robredo, Nalbandian, and Gonzales. Cap and I could see ourselves in a few years with Addie chasing down her favorite tennis stars to autograph one of those giant fuzzy tennis balls. Brings tears to my eyes.

This photo cracks me up because it looks like we are smelling some serious stink. Good ole desert tennis stink.

Heaven forbid, you should have to look at a post with our smarmy mugs alone so here's a pic from the prior weekend. Addie is enjoying her first strawberry of the season in the hammock at Aunt Karen's casa.
Hammock and the Strawberry


Anonymous said...

The cowgirl and the trucker. you two look like you just stepped out of a C&W video.

Genevieve said...

looks like you all three had fun weekends!

auntie snorg said...

Between the 3 of us, i think we can get addie to become a serious tennis fan. Granted you guys are a bit more contained than i am! I hope Murray did well! I like him!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a great weekend! Yay!