Monday, March 24, 2008

Do we love the desert or what?

Oh sweet desert, how I love thee. 

Joshua Tree
When Steven, a co-worker of Cap's, invited us (at our suggestion of course) to his pad in the desert, how could we say no?! Instead of wallowing in LA real estate self pity like we do, three years ago he decided to get himself 5 acres of land in Yucca Valley a few miles down the road from Joshua Tree National Park.  

Addie Feeds Adam
Addie loved wandering around his land exploring - you guessed it - rocks, picking wildflowers and feeding lettuce to the resident African tortoise named Adam. Addie got to chase bugs and poke at ants. She learned to say "See you tomorrow sun!" and her own twist, "See you tomorrow beetle!"
Addie and Dada at Sunset

After Miss A hit the sack, out came the blender! This is high desert and cold enough to get curled up in blankets outside and drink margaritas under the stars. How perfect is that! 
Druid Fires

I love the desert and the huge open sky. I gotta get me some of that.

Check out more pictures of Adam the Tortoise, kite flying, hot tubbing, bubble blowing, drinking, egg dying and lots lots more!


Anonymous said...

Pop-Pop & Nana luv the desert, too. In fact we are going to lead a reterat at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico next May using Georgia O'Keefe as our inspiration for exploring desert spirituality, the desert is God's country whether in Arizona, New Mexico or California. Way to go gang, we're with you!!!!!

Reid said...

I think it was in Desert Solitaire that Edward Abbey wrote that we are all either ocean people, mountain people or desert people. You are a desert girl through and through. Always have been. Now you just need a desert ranch and a helicopter to fly you to work in the city.

jamie said...

Sigh... I just got back from 6 days in Tahoe and can confirm that I have the same swoon for the mountains that you have for the desert. Your trip sounds lovely!

Chria said...

I like the ocean but can live without it, but am completely blown away by both the desert and the mountains. Even the 110 degree swelter of mid-summer in the Coachella Valley can't keep me away!

Reid said...

ps - of course your Easter eggs are like little works of art.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait to get home to see the photos! Such a shame they don't load properly at work. Stupid blocking sites.

How wonderful! I loved the gallery. Did Adam like having a sand bath courtesy of Addie? That photo with his mouth open for the lettuce is stunningly wonderful.

kitty said...

seriously, girl, your photos are top notch. go pro!!! buy your little slice of desert life and live your dream ...

auntie snorg said...

Snorg, your skills constantly amaze me. I'm envious! Lovely photos, Lovely Addie, lovely Adam the Tortoise and LOVELY DESERT! Be warned an Auntie might miraculously pop out of your suitcase the next time you find yourself there!