Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Egg Tyrant

Easter Egg

I couldn't wait to dye Easter Eggs with Addie but when it came down to it I really wanted to dye the eggs and for her to just admire my skills. Bad Mama. I should have just stripped her down to her diaper and let her stick her hand in the glass of dye, and then toss the tie-dyed egg into the sand to dry, which is how she wanted to do it. Who cares if the egg cracked? Who cares if her arms would resemble the hulk for 2 days? Next year I'll remember that this is about exploring Addie's inner egg artist and not about my trying to be Sarah M. Stewart.


JB said...

Don't be too hard on yourself - you clearly have talent! There has to be room for both the mess and the art :) I am just looking forwar to doing eggs with Casey next year so I can blame him for how mine look.

jamie said...

the good news is that addie won't remember this time around! besides... your eggs are very lovely!

Anonymous said...

Sarah your talent is clearly eggceptional, next year is Miss A's turn.I can understand your passion for dying eggs as we dyed our own this year even though there was no munchkin to search & find them.

Anonymous said...

The details of that green egg photograph are super cool.

Anonymous said...

There's plenty of time for Addie to mess with Easter eggs. You play, Sarah! Addie loved the search, you loved the egg dyeing. I think everyone had a superb time!