Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bee Mine


Saturday we went to the 1st Birthday Party of Addie's friend Rya's little sister, Lyla. And we never left. Cap had to attend an event for work, so Addie and I went over at noon. We were still there just chilling in their background when Cap came around 4 and I left to get my hair cut. At 6:30, Cap said he was still there and that everyone who left for naptime came back. We didn't go home that night until almost nine. When the sun set, they hung a sheet from the side of their garage and all the kids watched movies wrapped up in blankets. Awesome. I love a good neighborhood party where everyone wants to stay all day, and night.

Sunday, we were invited to celebrate Greek Easter with Cap's Aunt and family at their house. Beforehand though we stopped by Travel Town. I'd like to say that trains hold about zero interest for me. We rode the cute little choo-choo around the park which was fun and that was about as much as I felt like I needed to check out. All trains look about the same to me and since we could only get inside one of them (an empty snack car and the engine) we didn't stay long. Perhaps it's a good thing we're having another girl!

Greek Easter Feast
Blood of Christ Eggs (so cool!)
Riding the little train
The Empty Snack Car
Engine #5


Janice said...

I like the pic of Cap and Addie!

Gran said...

The perfect weekend indeed! Everyone is enjoying the activities. Addie sits up so nice and straight at the table, too! And yes - Cap and Addie's photo together is adorable!

Reid said...

uh, yeah - you'd be doomed with a boy. sawyer LOVES trains

jamie said...

Ditto the pic of Cap & Addie love. Wonderful.