Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Princess Me


"Just who could this princess be, the lovely, faithful Princess Me?" - Karma Wilson

At little Lyla's birthday party, her big sister Rya and Addie shed many a tear over who could hold the fairy wand. And the princess tiara. Oh the tears! and the screaming! and the wailing! Oh the horror! Rya owned no less than 6 pairs of plastic princess shoes so thankfully that was one less thing to fight over. Addie and Rya have been in daycare together since they were both 3 months old. They know how to share, except, apparently, when it comes to anything princess. (Note to self: get at least two of each princess item or be prepared to have a house of wicked stepsisters.)

In general I'd say Addie doesn't have much of an opinion on her attire but I think that has begun to change. On Easter, after we let her choose which dress she wanted to wear, she immediately asked, "Where's my fairy baton? I want to wear my princess shoes!" Sorry toots. You don't have a fairy baton (how the heck did she even know the word baton?!) or princess shoes. You can wear your sparkly red converse if you want. They are like magic Urban Dorothy shoes! We bought Addie a new pair of awesome brown converse recently which she refuses to wear declaring, "those are for boys." Oh great. Then Cap told me this week she didn't want to wear a blue and white striped t-shirt because that too was for boys. Cap is starting to rethink his plan that she'll be a skater. Maybe she just needs a board with Hello Kitty on it?


Pop-Pop said...

That's my girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gran said...

I can just hear the howls! Oh, my!

Perhaps, if skaters wore princess crowns and tutu's, and also had skateboards in princess colors, with sparky ruby wheels....

I had a sudden vision of the end of "Enchanted" where all the little girls are whirling and twirling in their Fantasia dresses...