Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Threes Company


Last week commemorated the theoretical halfway point in my pregnancy - 20 weeks. Jamie shared with me, not only her reaction, "Holy Crap" (where did the time go?), but a sweet post from well-read baby blogger, Dooce , who is also pregnant with her second child. I don't follow her posts regularly, but every time I read something she's written, I'm like, "Dang! That girl can write!" Here is the last paragraph from her April letter:

"But we've been told countless times by couples with multiple children to stop and enjoy the time we have alone with the first child. Because it will very soon be a bit of history, when we were only three. When it was just Mama, Daddy, and the one who changed our lives forever. Leta, I think you're old enough that you will have memories of this time, of when it was just us, and that is something we will share for the rest of our lives. You knew us when. You are the one who ushered in that monumental phase of our lives and have lived with us as we fumbled our way to this next phase, and here we are are about to go on this ride together. I'm so excited that you are here to experience this with us, and I cannot wait to see the ways in which this little sister opens up your life. I am as excited about meeting her as I am about watching your life grow to include her." - Dooce, April 2009

I cry everyone time I read this. It makes me sad to think about not being just the three of us. I'm glad things worked out this way though, that I have had 3 selfish years with my little Addie monkey all by herself. Of course, I'm excited too to meet her little sister, but I feel like, somehow, I'm letting Addie down. Everything belongs to Addie now. All of our attention. Our love. Her own room, finally. How could I take this away from her? I guess she still will have all of our love and attention (definitely not her own room though), but that 'all' is just going to have to get bigger to fill the four of us now.


Bethany said...

you and dooce are making me cry at work! clearly has nothing to do with my own hormone surge.....

Cap said...

Aaawww... You've got more than enough love for two l'il ones...

Reid said...

i went through all the same emotions during my pregnancy and, even more intensely, immediately after arden was born. i can only say that the joy of having two so far outweighs everything else that those feelings of guilt are soon replaced w the excitement of watching your two children develop a separate and independent relationship with each other. oh, and on another note, everything in the house will still be addie's - even if it's not. i am so excited for you guys.

michelle said...

I'm split...

I totally agree with the sentiments of how special it's been with just the three of us. And I definitely felt the last few months of my second pregnancy were extra special because of this. I appreciated the time.

With that said, and maybe it's because I'm the third of four children, but the first born gets something no other siblings get: undivided attention. If anything, I feel bad for my second daughter, because she will never get that treatment, as hard as I try. I don't feel bad for Annabelle, I feel bad for Eleanor.

One thing is for sure, it's wonderful to see your daughter bond with your other. It's amazing. I think you're going to see Addie in a whole new light.


Pop-Pop said...

Where did that archival Madonna & Child come from. fabulous! You'll discover that love expands to fill the needs as Cap so astutely notes, so Addie wont be shortchanged just plain changed by Princess Too as she learns to expand her love beyond you two. It works both ways. Blessings you are indeed a special mom.

JB said...

This brought tears to my eyes and we are almost a year into the 2 boys routine! I felt really bad for Casey when Sam was born, worried about how he would adjust, frustrated that I couldn't do everything he was used to and care for a newborn. I cried a lot, I'm not gonna lie. Like your friend Michelle said, sometimes I just feel bad that Sam never got the time and attention Casey did. Someone told me once that no two kids are born into the same family. Totally true and lets us off the hook - this will be all Sam knows and he will be fine. It is such a gift to give your eldest and they are truly each others biggest fans now.

kitty said...

this was so lovely. seriously sarah, there are times when little tayloe is so jealous of his brother that i wonder if we didn't ruin him and waves of guilt crash over me. but then i remember that our time as the center of his world is short lived. pretty soon his brother, not tayloe and me, will be his biggest ally. and i know that we've given him the greatest gift of all.
i'm so excited for you! drink up every moment.