Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

This might be the first weekend I never left the house. Usually even the thought sends shivers down my spine. I love my home, but I can get antsy. Fast. But this weekend it didn't matter because we brought the fun to us.

Saturday, my friend Jan from my old days of photo class and her daughter came over to dye eggs with us. I made a promise to myself last year that I would let Addie dye the eggs herself this time and I kept my promise. Yes, I can relinquish control sometimes! I can get kinda nutty about dying eggs so I turned my egg efforts to creating My Very Martha Egg Tree complete with hand blown and dyed eggs. I even went a little Easter batty and made the cute little pom-pom chick. Awww.

On Sunday, Addie ate jellybeans for breakfast compliments of the Easter Bunny and went on an egg hunt in our front yard. The eggs didn't like the sprinklers, but the slugs sure thought they had gone to slug heaven. I was pleased to hear that Addie still calls then "snugs," something she said last summer. Maybe they would have a better rap if they were always called snugs.

Then we all got dressed and 5 of Addie's daycare friends and their parents came over for brunch and another Easter Egg Hunt. Addie's own egg hunt was with her real eggs, and the hunt with her pals in the backyard was plastic eggs filled with more jelly beans, stickers, play-doh and princess rings. We had mimosas, quiche and angel food cake with fresh berries. Yum! And who needs toys when you have a Daddy Dogpile! Don't lie in the grass if you don't want 5 toddlers stacked on top of you.

I think Easter might be my new favorite holiday!


Check out more photos from Easter Weekend on the left!


Pop-Pop said...

Happy Easter! One of these years we'd like to participate, you guys know how to have fun. real men do eat quiche and dye Esater eggs. Do the slugs like deviled eggs?!What is Addie admiring in the opening photo?

Sarah Q said...

Addie her admiring her Daddy in that photo. Awwwww.

Genevieve said...

I love her pjs!

mit said...

I wouldn't want a snug to snuggle with me.

Gran said...

The photo of Addie looking at Daddy is so precious! Your Easter weekend is just as it should be: friends and children and organized chaos and fun and love for all.

How did you make the chick? That is amazing! He is such a fluffer!