Saturday, October 28, 2006


First Mate Squainti here. Friday afternoon NBBJ kidnapped all 800+ of their employees and took us on a surprise half day holiday. Why? Do I need a reason to go sailing? The LA studio took to the seas on a four hour sailing adventure. We had three boats racing from Marina del Rey to the Santa Monica pier and back. I was one of the Helmsman of the Carefree, but when I wasn't keeping course and telling my crew to watch for luffing of the sail, I was the Winch Wench (aka Winch Op). If anyone needs something winched, I'm your gal.

Usually on Fridays I have Addie at home with me, but in anticipation for the hush-hush event, Cap worked from home in the afternoon. He had to go to a Dustin Hoffman/Will Ferrell Unscripted interview (you know, typical Cap day. check on 11/6 to catch the interview) for a couple of hours and three of his co-workers volunteered to babysit her in the office.

After the sailing trip, everyone reconvened at a big party at a co-worker's house down the street from our apartment. Despite my fear of messing with her bedtime, we took Addie and she slept in her car seat and stroller in the middle of their living room while a live band raged 15 feet away. Impressive!


jannepone said...

Pretty Sarah!

Anonymous said...

wow i love your blog its ausome, i wish i could make mine as good as yours is mine stinks but someone did say they would help me with that well anyways good job with your blog wish me luck on mine