Friday, October 13, 2006

Ritual de Habitual

As Addie gets older, I've found that we need to cling more to a routine then we did when she was a very tiny little tot. Over the summer, we'd be out having dinner at the Farmer's Market or with friends without much regard for the time. With both of us back at work, the routine is integral. I just took the Myers-Briggs personality test (I'm an ISTJ) and it says that I like schedules and routines so I guess this is okay by me.

Before I get home from work Cap and Addie's routine is to take a long walk around the neighborhood with Addie in the Baby Bjorn. Cap points out all the flowers and the neighborhood kitties, returning home with at least one Cute Baby compliment from a passerby.

When I get home, she gets fed, has some mommy cuddle time and then it's into the bath followed with a massage with some heavy, hypoallergenic lotion. I keep meaning to get a video of massage-time because she loves it - especially having her face massaged. After all, she does use those sucking muscles a lot!

After her bath, it's into her PJs and then one of us will read her a book. Since this photo was taken a week or so ago, she's decided that eating books is just as fun as reading them. Thank goodness for board and cloth books, or we'd have a digestible library and a lot of paper cuts.

It's into bed at 8:00 pm and then Cap and I get to eat and watch season 3 of 24. Since Addie doesn't get fed again until around 5 or 6 in the morning, I get to down half a bottle of wine making up for lost time. Glug glug glug.


Genevieve said...

those pictures are adorable!

jamie said...

sounds dreamy... can't wait for that! (especially the half bottle of wine part.)

Reid said...

her hair looks to be turning blonde - No?

Sarah Q said...

the downy hair underneath seems to be coming in blonde, but the top is still more brown. somedays she looks more like a red head. can't tell, but i think her eyes might stay blue.

Anonymous said...

thank you for all your lovely journaling. you bring your life to me. love, marcia