Monday, January 01, 2007


Dude sitting in the aisle seat on our flight to Chicago: "How old is your daughter?"

Me: "She's 7 months"

Dude: "Oh, so she must not be very intelligent yet."

Me, indignantly: "She's very intelligent!"

Dude: "I said, 'So, she's not into television yet.' I was wondering if she wanted to watch TV on my portable DVD."

Glad we got that cleared up! Happy 2007!


Genevieve said...


Anonymous said...

The weird part of the story is that the DVD the guy had was season 5 of 24. Not exactly Addie fare.

Reid said...

"The weird part of the story is that the DVD the guy had was season 5 of 24. Not exactly Addie fare."

then maybe he was really asking if she's intellegent. don't you love that i am commenting on this post now?? avoiding packing

ps your blog comment page always has the LOOOONGEST word verification codes. everyone else's has five letters. this is what i have to type below:
bzptsphd. no joke.

ps - uh that didn't work. must have typed it wrong. now i have to type johulqu