Friday, January 12, 2007

Shop Girl

Cap's been raving about how fun it is to take Addie to the grocery store, so today I took her out for an afternoon at the local Ralph's. He was right, it does make shopping much more fun. When she was tiny I basically boycotted grocery shopping because her car seat didn't latch in and i either had to stick her and the car seat in the food part of the cart and balance produce around her or carry her in the baby bjorn - way too much of a hassle. Cap was a dream because I think I only went to the grocery store once when I was on maternity leave. Since being back at work, I'd rather eat cereal every night than face grocery shopping.

Armed with 2 Buy One Get One Free coupons for formula, I decided to see just how fun it is to take Addie shopping. Now that she has mastered sitting up, she gets to ride up front in the cart where she can smile at her admirers. And she has many. It sort of makes me feel like a celebrity. People ooh and aww at how cute she is and she really does look cute because she looks so darn tiny sitting there like I've propped up a little porcelain doll. At the seafood counter, the attendant dude took out an entire chilled octopus from the bed of ice and waggled it in front of Addie. She loved it - squealing and smiling with delight. She does have an affinity for cephalopods as we all know. At the check-out, she was even given her very own Ralph’s balloon to take home. Better than the circus!

(You might ask, “what the heck is Addie holding in the photo?” Why, a dragon fruit of course. Never heard of dragon fruit? Me either, and I wouldn't let her put it anywhere near her mouth. For all I know, it's skin is poisonous when eaten.)


Reid said...

Hmm- I was just about to post that I'm so happy to see addie sitting in the seat sans protective cover, but I'll just squelch the sarcastic commentary and say - hey man, who cares about the fruit: GREAT COAT!

Anonymous said...

grocery shopping with a baby is the best. it's like pre-pre school for them cause there's so much to see and learn about and that helps you forget how oh so very sucky it is.

Anonymous said...

circuses aren't fun.

Anonymous said...

She looks very cute! The fruit and her coat matches. I'd freak out with the octipus, though...