Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Countdown: Day 11


What? No star on the top of our tree? Addie pointed to a picture of a Christmas tree and said, "See! You have to do it like this!" So, we found this star at the Pottery Barn Outlet which was originally silver. Addie wanted a pink and yellow start but fearing that it would look like an easter ornament I persuaded her to choose just one color. And pink it was. Addie and I glittered this star together. It was fun to have some time with just Addie which is rare for me these days. She loved the project and was actually pretty good about not getting glitter everywhere. After it dried, Cap helped Addie place it on the tree. I guess the star was so bright Addie had to wear shades.


Happy Birthday Papa Mit! Addie has a surprise glitter present she made just for you!


Gran said...

If ever there were an angel flying over the tree to place the Christmas Star, Addie is it! Good job providing angel support, Cap!

Pop-Pop said...

We want one too!