Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Countdown: Day 18

Addie's Holiday Recital at school.

Cap picked Eliza and I up to go to Addie's first school recital. We thought we were arriving 10 minutes early only to discover that we were 20 minutes late and missed the entire singing performance with her class. I felt awful. Horrible. Like the worst Mom ever. We did catch her dancing and thankfully the music was loud enough that it drowned out my sobbing through the entire video. I know there will be other school recitals but this was her first and that can't be replaced. The good news is that she didn't notice. If she had been at all disappointed you would have had to scrap my heart off the floor and give me a Valium.

There was a small party afterwards and then Addie handed out her hand-glittered bird ornaments to her teachers. Addie helped glitter the wings and was really excellent at it. If we had more time, she probably could have done more but I ended up finishing them up yesterday during the day in time to get them to her teachers on the last day of school. Addie is off until January 4 when Eliza will also start daycare and I'll return to work. My maternity leave is unofficially over and vacation has started. No more Entourage, Big Love or Weeds. Goodbye Martha Stewart, Ellen and Little People, Big World. I'll miss you.

1 comment:

Gran said...

Parental guilt. We do take on that burden, and it can last a lifetime. It would be awful if Addie had been looking for you and missed you, but judging from the dance recital part, she was totally into watching the teacher. And I think she enjoyed herself very much! Did she give a private concert of her music at home?