Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Countdown: Day 21


Christmas Crafts

Addie could spend all day doing art projects. By noon she had glittered two birds and a dinosaur, drew this awesome snowman, and decorated an orange with cloves. Earlier, I had made this little glittered woodland scene and made a tree from an old issue of Glamour magazine. Addie also made this cute play-dough hand at school which now hangs on our tree. Aren't we a crafty family?

She's off from school and I had big plans that have been thwarted by an evil sore throat. I was feeling lousy but around noon I texted Cap to come home and rescue me. Ugh. I am a wimpy sick person.




1 comment:

auntie snorg said...

the glittered hand is actually kind of tim burton creepy!!!!